AAS Australasian Arachnological Society

Arachnological Links

Below is a selection of arachnological links. If you know a website which you would like to see listed, please contact Cor Vink.

Check also our web page ‘Arachnologists’ for personal home pages of some of our colleagues.

The Arachnology Home Page

  • The Arachnology Home Page
    Maintained by Herman Vanuyten, the Arachnology Home Page is arguably the best source of information on everything dealing with eight legs!

Arachnological Societies World Wide


Taxonomy and Systematics

Photographic Identification of Australian Arachnids



Links to collections with catalogues of arachnid material, in particular type material from our region.


home   > Links

reference: AAS – Australasian Arachnological Society
online: http://www.australasian-arachnology.org/links/
©2005 AAS – date: 2018/10/28

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