Identification of Australasian Arachnids
This section does not constitute an identification guide for Australasian arachnids, but is designed to list key resources that help in their identification.
This section is currently under development but aims to become one of the most important parts of the AAS webpage. Species level identification of Australasian arachnids is generally only possible with the help of scattered original taxonomic papers which will be listed here for each arachnid group.
Here, resources for the identification of arachnids are listed, and further information on their biology and ecology can be found through the main menu of this website, following the links to a particular group.
Arachnid Identification to order level
An excellent start to the identification of arachnids on order level (and terrestrial invertebrates as a whole) is Harvey and Yen’s (1989, reprinted 1993, 1995, 1997) ‘Worm to Wasps. An Illustrated Guide to Australia’s Terrestrial Invertebrates’ (Oxford University Press). |