Newsletter: ‘Australasian Arachnology’ ISSN 0811-3696
68 (October 2003)
Arachnological Activities: ANIC (B. Richardson & B. Halliday), Macquarie University (M. Bruce)
C. J. Vink � Australasian spiders needed for the Tree of Life: phylogeny of spiders
Undergraduate Projects: K. Collett � Recolonisation of rehabilitated Bauxite mine pits by the scorpion Urodacus planimanus
Conference review (by V.W. Framenau): 34th Australian Entomological Society/6th Invertebrate Biodiversity & Conservation Combined Conference, Hobart 2003. Arachnological Anecdotes from Tasmania
Conference review (by A. Gaskett & M. Bruce): 20th European Colloquium of Arachnology
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